Eau Claire Flight Assist Report, 1965

Eau Claire Flight Service Station Flight Assist Report, 1965
The following is a reproduction of a flight assist report by Donald A. Fetting and written by the Eau Claire FSS Chief, Roger Ferguson.
March 22, 1965
Flight Assist, N7814D, March 20, 1965
Chief, Flight Service Station, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Chief, Air Traffic Division, Central Region

Attention:  CE-520
A. March 20, 1965 2026GMT
B. N7814D
C. VFR flight plan.  Shell Lake, Wis. to Pontiac, Illinois
E. Lost
G. None
H. Donald A Fetting working the air/ground position under the supervision of Carroll M. Norgaard.  Pilot’s name H. E. Desjardins.
I. At 2026Z, N7814D, a Piper tri-pacer or colt, contacted Eau Claire and said he wished to land at Eau Clair.  He reported discontinuing a flight on a VFR flight plan from Shell Lake, Wisconsin to Pontiac, Illinois due to weather.  He advised that he was unsure of his position and requested assistance.  The air craft was at 3,500 with 1 hour of fuel remaining.  A close-in type VOR orientation was used successfully and at 2046Z, the pilot reported the Eau Claire airport in sight.  At 2054Z, N7814D was safely on the ground at Eau Claire. The VFR flight plan was cancelled and the pilot extended his appreciation for the assistance. This is considered an average assist although the monitoring of the tape indicates that it was quite difficult to get the pilot to accept directions during the early part of the orientation.

Roger D. Ferguson
Mr. Fetting
Mr. Norgaard